We all know that photography has always been an important factor in website design. Uploading high-quality images can attract users. But what do you do if you don’t get all those images for free? So today we are shortlisting some of the best stock photo websites which can be used for your personal uses.
Basically, Stock images are those images that can be used by any person without paying for a single amount. There are some sites that provide high-quality images for an ample amount of money. Free stock images are a great resource for bloggers and web owners. So without wasting any single time let’s start with our main topic.
Top 5 Sites for Free Stock Photos:
Here you get more than 300,000 high-resolution images which are contributors from 50,000 users around the world. Like paid sites, Unsplash doesn’t offer the number of choices, but you will definitely get top-quality images. Every day the site add thousand of new free stock images for their visitors.
In Latin terms, Gratisography means “Free” which offers many high-resolution photos at free of cost. All major clicks are taken by Ryan McGuire who is the founder of Bells Design. Compare to Unsplash site, it has less amount of photos, but their main aim is to provide less and unique images for their visitors.
Like Unsplash or Gratisography websites, it doesn’t have many professional images, but here you will find some of the random clicks which is taken by their users. It is not the best place to find big banners but if you want simple medium size images then it is a great choice for you.
Compare to the Unsplash site it has huge data of high-resolution images. Their main aim is to target peoples who are more oriented towards business and marketing. Also, content marketers and bloggers can surely get the best quality of images as per their needs. Another main advantage of this site is that they also offer free vectors and illustrations which can be used for designing purpose.
Stockvault is a great source of free stock photos, wallpapers, along with textures. The collection is half the size of the Unsplash site but it has well-managed photos that have very high resolution and also a daily bunch of new images are added to their site. Moreover, it has a well-organized browsing category which includes graphics, nature, textures and much more.
Wrapping Up:
All the above sites provide free stock images that can be used for your personal uses. So make your website more attractive by uploading images from the above sites. Do let us know your feedback in our comment section below.